Wakasa Chopper Weekend in Takahama: A Celebration of Custom Motorcycles

Wakasa Chopper Weekend - an annual 2-day motorcycle event held in Takahama, Fukui Prefecture, that brings together enthusiasts of custom-built motorcycles, scooters and pretty much anything with an engine and wheels. Set against the backdrop of Takahama’s scenic coastline, the event is an enthralling insight into Japan’s diverse motorcycle subculture that blends community, craftsmanship, and a passion for riding.

For a fab dive into the vibe, be sure to check out the mini promo video put together by the slick Florian Koschella.

While western motorcycle culture can be a little edgy and intimidating - think big-burly bikers, motorcycle gangs and the occasional knuckle-duster brawl, motorcycle culture in Japan tends to be a lot more welcoming and free from friction. That doesn’t mean it lacks style, authenticity or punch. The Japanese are very much purists when it comes to motorcycle admiration and from that purity arises a natural sense of respect for the machine and their riders, whatever size bike or fashion you wish to ride with. And that is pretty dope.

Burlesque dancer and Harley-Davidson enthusiast Aya Mermaid showing off some crazy custom wheels

custom 1997 V-twin Harley Davidson Softail for sale

While Takahama is largely known as a beach and surf destination, it is also a popular stopping point for motorcyclists who can take in the ocean air before traversing the beautiful mountain roads towards Kyoto to the south, the coastal lanes up to Ishikawa Prefecture to the north, or the stunning Tango Penninsula to the west. With this in mind, it makes the perfect location for a festival devoted to motorbikes.

The weekend isn’t just about bikes. There’s live music, food stalls, camping, a mini market selling t-shirts and leather accessories, and in some years, live tattooing. If you are interested in checking out next year’s chopper festival in Takahama, check the organizer’s Instagram account for updates. Be cool and ride safe!

People enjoying the food stalls and night atmosphere


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