Bryan Eastlake Bryan Eastlake

Night Photography from Mt. Saido

An evening hike through bamboo groves, cedar trees, and the occasional spider web to the summit of Mt. Saido, once home to Saidoyama Castle, a Warring States Period (1467-1600) fortification that served as a lookout for enemy fleets attempting to invade Wakasa Bay.

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Bryan Eastlake Bryan Eastlake

Houze Matsuri

The Life Release Festival (放生祭), also known as fangsheng in Chinese and Houze or Hōjō-e in Japanese, being performed on Torii-hama Beach, Takahama. The festival has its origins in ancient Buddhist teachings that emphasize compassion for living beings.

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Bryan Eastlake Bryan Eastlake

Monthly Wada Beach Clean

The Monthly Wada Beach Clean. A great opportunity to re-light that volunteer spirit and contribute to the safety and cleanliness of one of Takahama's most beloved beaches.

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The Weekly Lowdown